+ Know about New zealand

Did you know the first place in the world to allow women to vote is new zealand ?

Did you know new zealand's first hospital was opened in 1843.?

+ a to z letter in one sentence

Did you know.. The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English alphabet?

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+ Did you know .. elephang sleeps 4-5 hr.

Did you know... elephants sleep between 4-5 hours in 24 period.

Did you know.. elephants are the only mammal that can not jump.

+ Did U Know your brain weight..

||  Did U Know..?  ||

Did you know... your brain weights 2% of your body weight though uses 20% of all oxygen you breathe and 15% of the body's blood supply.

+ Did u know about lemon

Did u know.. Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries ?

ref: online web
Please note that reference to all above interesting fact is through internet & different web sites and for our general knowledge. If u like it please share it.